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What does the Social Security doctor look like?

Well, maybe not. But this is how I picture him. He isn't going to help you get any benefits from Social Security if it's up to him!

These doctors perform "consultative exams" for Social Security. They seldom help your case because the usually report that you have no severe impairments that would prevent you from working. It's just what they do.

Social Security doctors often seem to have a severe bias against the disability program. They seem to believe that everyone can and should be working, no matter what.

You end up being examined by a Social Security doctor because you don't have much treatment history from your own doctor. It is much better if you see your doctor regularly. It is also best if you are able to see a specialist. For example, see a rheumatologist for arthritis, joint pain or fibromyalgia. See a cardiologist for heart problems. Visit an orthopedic specialist for back problems, etc.

I see a lot of clients who haven't been to their doctor in a long time. They believe that Social Security will send them to one of their doctors, then use that doctor's report to approve their benefits. I can't remember the last time I saw it work that way. Actually, I don't think I've ever seen it work that way.

My point is: Get examined by your own doctor if possible. If you don't presently have a doctor, try to find one and establish care. Your health will probably benefit and when it comes to a disability claim, you will be better off.

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