Here's how a Medical Source Statement (MSS) can help you get disability benefits"
A Medical Source Statement is a form completed by a claimant's doctor. It gives the doctor's opinion about the claimant's ability to perform certain activities such as lifting, standing, walking, bending, reaching, etc. These are activities required by all work.
The purpose of the MSS is to show that the claimant is limited in the ability to perform work-related activities, and that these limitations would not allow him/her to hold a full-time job.
A properly completed Medical Source Statement may be the single best piece of evidence to help win a claim. The MSS should meet the following guidelines:
A. It should be completed by an acceptable medical source--a doctor (not a chiropractor, nurse practitioner or counselor).
B. It should be on one of Social Security's approved forms, such as HA-1151 or HA-1152 (for mental disorders).
C. It must address each work related activity specifically. It isn't enough to make a general statement like, "My patient is disabled and is not able to work at any type of job." Doctors are not entitled to draw this conclusion under the federal regulations. Doctors, however, may state things like: "This patient can stand no more than 3 hours out of an 8 hour day," or "The patient can lift no more than 10 pounds occasionally."
If you are represented, you should return the completed MSS to your attorney/representative, who will then submit it to Social Security decision makers for you.